Relational-Ideopraxis Model
See full text (PDF) of the dissertation that demonstrated the relational-ideopraxis
model of spirituality and the Independent Spirituality Assessment Scale (iSAS).
Full text of this study (in PDF)
See the model developed by this study.
The model of spirituality suggested by the Independent Spirituality Assessment
Scale (iSAS) is represented by a "prism", which is why PRISM Leadership Consulting uses a prism as it's logo
Click here to see why
The Independent Spirituality Assessment Scale (iSAS) is a one of
many spirituality measurement scales available. Its has shown transparency across different religions and denominations in
the United States, and is most suitable to measure spirituality in the workplace (non-denominational approach). The iSAS demonstrated
normality (p = 0.09, n = 234), homogeneity (a = 0.88, n = 508), and stability (r = 0.93, n = 28), with an improved homogeneity (a = 0.91) after refinements. Construct validity is demonstrated through
two control groups, concurrency with two other spirituality instruments, namely Howden's © (r = 0.53, n = 220), and Beazley's
© (r = 0.31, n = 113) scales, and also with a factor analysis. These statistical analyses are from a population of 508 respondents
obtained from seven major metropolitan areas in five states.